Existen bitácoras más allá de masturbatorios post en los que se analiza la realidad cotidiana desde la complacencia o desde el riesgo, más allá de la red de contactos y ternuras que es este archipiélago de islas que se une por aquello que las separa y que hemos construido todos nosotros. Existen bitácoras que impresionan por su diseño, por su contenido, por su calidad informativa, que enganchan por sus entregas novelísticas, por su incuestionable calidad de chispazo en la plantilla del blogger, por sus miradas, por el rigor creativo y la información. Más allá está CHOCOREVE.
Bitácora en la que podemos encontrar la discos arqueológicos sobre la sicodelia, el underground
música sicodelica turca y tremendos y desconocidos recopilatorios de garage... Impresionante este colega o

esta colega de la France. Disfruten. Un ejemplo:
Psychedelic Archaeology - Vol. 1-2-3-4-5-6
-1. West Coast Natural Gas - A Favor (3:40) San Francisco Sound EU-2048 (11/67)B-Side of "Go Run and Play." Produced by Matthew Katz and Charlie Burkes. Written by Steven Mack. Definitely a S.F. Band. Apparently this band was an early incarnation of "Indian Puddin' and Pipe" also produced by Matthew Katz.
-2. Rochelle Rosenthal and the Kickball Queen - Lottery (2:32) Super Bolt 33170 (Date Unknown) B-side is "You Don't know" and is credited to Darryl Bowden and the Kickball Queen. Band was from Detroit Michigan. Sounds circa 69/70.
-3. The Sandals - House of Painted Glass (2:36) World Pacific 77867 (1967) B-side of "Cloudy." This song was described as a "novelty" for this band, although it stands up incredibly well on it's own merit. Great harmonies. Band was from Riverside, California
-4. Kim Fowley - Strangers From the Sky (3:03) Reprise 0569 (1966)Fowley at his most melodic moment. Hard to believe that this gem was recorded in late '66, although sources insist. Co-Produced by Michael Lloyd. B-side of "Don't be Cruel," which featured backing tracks by members from Fleetwood Mac.
-5. Aorta - Strange (4:19) Atlantic 2545 (1968)B-Side of "Shapes of Things to Come." A substantially different version than appears on the LP. Pretty long guitar lead for a single.
-6. American Blues - Say So (2:09) Amy 997 (1967)Not same band that recorded LP's on Karma and Uni. B-Side is "Your Love is True." Great tune in the vein of "Last Train to Clarksville."
-7. The Scarlet Letter - Mary Maiden (2:39) Mainstream 696 (1968)Band was from Ann Arbor, Michigan. A distinctly British feel to this single. Apparently pre-Savage Grace. Flip Side is "Timekeeper" on stock copies, although this pressing was a double A-side promo.
-8. Neal Ford & the Fanatics - Mary Wanna Marry Me (2:30) Hickory 1506 (1968)B-side is "The Jones." Gotta love that lead guitar tone...
-9. The David - People Saying, People Seeing (1:33) 20th Century Fox 6675 (1967)B-side of "40 Miles" although there appears to be another single listed (20th Century Fox 6663) with "40 Miles" b/w "Bus Token."
-10. The Chosen Few - The Earth Above, The Sky Below (2:53) Liberty 55962 (1967)B-Side of "Asian Chrome." Definitely not the Australian band, this band was from Simi Valley, California.
-11. The Mass - Raining Sorrow (3:02) Roulette R-7040 (1969)B-side is "Without You." Not sure if this is the Chicago group or not. Not the world's most upbeat tune...
-12. Hot Water - Reaction (3:02) Norman 851N 0600 (Date Unknown)Band was from St. Louis, Missouri. Flip side was "You Woman You." Sounds circa 68/69.
-13. West Coast Natural Gas - Go Run & Play (2:33) San Francisco Sound EU-2048 (Date Unknown)B-Side is "A Favor." Katz must have lost the master tapes for this one or else it would have shown up in some of his recent compilations.
-14. Natural Gas - Sunnydays (2:42) Renee 5003 (1969)Band was probably from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. B-side is "Rube."
-15. Jefferson Lee- Pancake Trees (2:28) Original Sound 0S-93 (1970)B-Side of "Bubblegum." Sounds earlier than 1970. Pretty sparse instrumentation on this one, but end result is a unique sound.
-16. Sound Sandwich - Zig Zag News (3:22) Viva 615 (6/67)B-side of "Apothecary Dream." Song is divided into two distinct parts which repeat twice. Band was from L.A.
-17. Groundspeed - L-12 East (3:38) Decca 32344 (1968)B-side of "In a Dream." Classic prog/psych tune. With better vocals, these guys might have gone further. A bit ahead of their time for 1968. Band was from Cambridge, Mass.
-18. Aphrodite's Child - Magic Mirror (2:45) Mercury132505 (1969)B-Side is "I Want to Live." Greece's finest. Lot's of compression on the recording! Vangelis before he went airball.
-19. Gregorians - Dialated Eyes (3:48) ABC Paramount 11225 (1969)B-side is "Like a Man." This is an extremely depressing number about alchololism and child abuse. Can't imagine why they didn't hit the charts with a song like this! Band was from Cleveland, Ohio, previously known as the "City Squires."
-20. Chapter VI - Oracle (3:35) Original Sound OS-78 (1967)A-Side is "Fear." Produced by Brian Ross. A tune very heavy on organ sound. Sounds like Iron Butterfly without the bite.
-21. Stone Hedge - Desiree (3:36) Round 38 (1969)Single was pressed, then withheld because they couldn't convince U.S. Forest Service to let them use "Smokey the Bear" as the A-Side title. From Michigan.
-22. Mind Garage - Asphalt Mother (5:11) Morning Glori MG-1000 (1968)First single released prior to their two LP's on RCA. From Morgantown West VA, basically a Pittsburgh band. Love that vacuum tone... These kids sound young!
-23. The Raik's Progress - Why Did you Rob us Tank? (2:24) Liberty F-55930 (11/66)B-side is "Sewer Rat Love Chant." The lyrics in both songs seem to have no bearing on the titles. Band was from Fresno, CA.
-24. Layne Martine Jr. - Surabian Lament (1:38) General International (1966)A very short, middle- eastern influenced tune. Martine Jr. was an extremely prolific songwriter dring the 60's and 70's and this appears to be his first recording from late 1966.
5 comentarios:
ehh, Bertolt Brecht.....no cree usted que le faltan enlaces a algunas otras bitacoras mas.... ;-)
Saludos monthiel
nada nada,
los pondré para no causar agravios que seguro no se iban a producir, pero bueno. Eran solo dos ejemplos.
Las cosas de ser un manipuloso.
saludos Roa
diozz, qué buena pinta tienen esas caras B... vamos pallá!
graciasssss, pero no hacia falta hombre......de verdad....ah, y my agudo lo de miradas pa referenciar al miradas y voces eh ;-)
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